Hi, I am Klaus Mattis, a second year PhD-student at JGU Mainz, under the supervision of Tom Bachmann.
For more information, consult my CV.
You can reach me via mail at klaus.mattis@uni-mainz.de
Research Interests
My research interests are- Unstable and stable motivic homotopy theory
- Higher categories, particularly higher topoi
- Algebraic \(K\)-theory
We define unstable \(p\)-completion in general \(\infty\)-topoi and the unstable motivic homotopy category, and prove that the \(p\)-completion of a nilpotent sheaf or motivic space can be computed on its Postnikov tower. We then show that the (\(p\)-completed) homotopy groups of the \(p\)-completion of a nilpotent motivic space \(X\) fit into short exact sequences
\( 0 \to \mathbb L_0 \pi_n(X) \to \pi_n^p(X^{\wedge}_p) \to \mathbb L_1 \pi_{n-1}(X) \to 0\),
where the \(\mathbb L_i\) are (versions of) the derived \(p\)-completion functors, analogous to the classical situation. -
We construct the pro-Nisnevich topology, an analog of the pro-étale topology. We then show that the Nisnevich \(\infty\)-topos embeds into the pro-Nisnevich \(\infty\)-topos, and that the pro-Nisnevich \(\infty\)-topos is locally of homotopy dimension \(0\).
We show that for a large class of \(\infty\)-topoi there exist unstable arithmetic fracture squares, i.e. squares which recover a nilpotent sheaf \(F\) as the pullback of the rationalization of \(F\) with the product of the \(p\)-completions of \(F\) ranging over all primes \(p \in \mathbb Z\).
For an endofunctor \(F\colon\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{C}\) on an (\(\infty\)-)category \(\mathcal{C}\) we define the \(\infty\)-category \(\operatorname{Cart}(\mathcal{C},F)\) of generalized Cartier modules as the lax equalizer of \(F\) and the identity. This generalizes the notion of Cartier modules on \(\mathbb{F}_p\)-schemes considered in the literature. We show that in favorable cases \(\operatorname{Cart}(\mathcal{C},F)\) is monadic over \(\mathcal{C}\). If \(\mathcal{A}\) is a Grothendieck abelian category and \(F\colon\mathcal{A}\to\mathcal{A}\) is an exact and colimit-preserving endofunctor, we use this fact to construct an equivalence \(\mathcal{D}(\operatorname{Cart}(\mathcal{A},F)) \simeq \operatorname{Cart}(\mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A}),\mathcal{D}(F))\) of stable \(\infty\)-categories. We use this equivalence to give a more conceptual construction of the perverse t-structure on \(\mathcal{D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(\operatorname{Cart}(\operatorname{QCoh}(X), F_*))\) for any Noetherian \(\mathbb{F}_p\)-scheme \(X\) with finite absolute Frobenius \(F\colon X\to X\).
- Unstable \(p\)-completion in motivic homotopy theory at YoungHom (Slides)
- Proof of the Hopkins-Morel-Hoyois Theorem at International Workshop on Algebraic Topology, Shanghai
Academic service
I am a co-organizer of the winter school on unstable motivic homotopy theory in Mainz.Impressum
Angaben gem. § 5 TMG:Klaus Mattis
Institut für Mathematik
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Staudingerweg 9
55128 Mainz